Sexually transmitted infections (STI): Challenges and prevention

STIs, mainly transmitted through sexual intercourse, are caused by over 30 pathogens. Curable syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis affect an estimated 374 million people annually, underscoring the urgency of prevention. Symptoms are often subtle or absent, increasing the risk of transmission. Early, accurate pathogen identification is crucial, as untreated STIs can lead to serious complications.

The variety of symptoms, the often asymptomatic nature and the frequent multiple infections in sexually transmitted diseases emphasize the relevance of multiplex testing. This enables comprehensive detection of important sexually transmitted pathogens in one approach.

Multiplex testing aims to identify not only obvious STIs, but also unrecognized infections that can lead to serious complications. Given the increasing prevalence of STIs and the threat of antibiotic resistance, multiplex testing is becoming a crucial tool for the prevention, early detection and effective treatment of STIs.

Our STI catalogue offers tests that meet the diagnostic and organizational needs of small to large laboratories, including:

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