In ELISA, Virologia

Your first step in the diagnosis of noroviral
gastroenteritis outbreaks, powered by R-Biopharm

Noroviruses, the most common cause of acute gastroenteritis are estimated
to cause 21 million people illnesses among people of all ages in the US each
year. Noroviruses are responsible for around 50% of all foodborne outbreaks in the United States.

  1. 1in 14 Americans becomes ill every year. In 2006 a total of 1316 acute gastroenteritis outbreaks were reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  2. Outbreaks occur in a wide range of settings, including schools, hospitals, long-term care facilities, restaurants and cruise ships. More than 90% of the non-bacterial and approximately 50% of all-cause epidemic gastroenteritis worldwide can be attributed to Norovirus.
  3. According to the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene norovirus was the laboratory confirmed etiology in 89% of the gastroenteritis outbreaks from 2005 to 2009. In the U.S norovirus accounts for more than 235,000 clinical visits, 91,000 emergency room visits and 23,000 hospitalizations among children younger than 5 years of age.

The RIDASCREEN® Norovirus 3rd Generation EIA provides fast and reliable results for the diagnosis of noroviral gastroenteritis.

Graphik Laboratories - R-biopharm AG

For further information about the RIDASCREEN® Norovirus 3rd Generation
please contact our local R-Biopharm Inc. representative

R-Biopharm Inc.
870 Vossbrink Dr., Washington, MO 63090, USA
Phone: (877) 789 3033 Fax: (866) 922 5856
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mail for information:

1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC Technical Fact Sheet about Norovirus 2010
2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, MMWR 2007, 56(33):842-846
3. Patel MM et al., EID 2008, 14(8), 1224-31
4. Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Available at:    Accessed 23 February 2010

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