In ELISA, Gastroenterology

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) every year 63.000 people in Germany fall ill with colon cancer. Approximately 25,000 people die annually from the consequences of this disease. Colon cancer is now one of the most common cancers and causes of death in Germany.

Colorectal cancer develops from polyps within 10 – 12 years. The precursors to colon cancer can be very well detected by screening and the development of cancer can be prevented. There are different methods of colorectal cancer screening, which can also be used in combination.

Test for occult blood in stool

These tests detect blood in the stool after that is not visible to the naked eye, hence the name occult or hidden blood. This usually originates from bleeding polyps or tumors.

There are different methods for the detection of occult blood, of which the immunological tests demonstrate to have the best diagnostic value. If the test is positive, the result should be confirmed by a colonoscopy. Read more about the study by Prof. Dr. med . Hermann Brenner (DKFZ) about the superiority of the immunological colorectal cancer screening tests.


In a colonoscopy the doctor looks at the inside of the intestine by using a camera. This research method is the most effective way of colorectal cancer screening.

From the age of 55, the statutory health insurance in Germany pays a colonoscopy every year. Due to fear of contact with this method only 20 % – 30 % of the population make use of this option. This makes the importance of immunological colorectal cancer screening, which can give an indication whether a colonoscopy is necessary or not even greater.

Quantitative immunological stool tests for colorectal cancer screening

The RIDASCREEN® Haemoglobin is an enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative detection of human hemoglobin in stool samples. Learn more about the assay and visit our RIDASCREEN® Haemoglobin product page.

The combined use of RIDASCREEN® Haemoglobin and RIDASCREEN® Hemo-/Haptoglobin Complex increases the probability of detection of precancerous lesions.


Interested in more information? Please contact our gastroenterology experts.

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