Intended use:

For in vitro diagnostic use. The RIDA®QUICK Clostridium difficile Toxin A/B Control is a positive control suited for use in conjunction with the corresponding RIDA®QUICK rapid assay for the detection of Clostridium difficile Toxins A and B.

General information:

The RIDA®QUICK Clostridium difficile Toxin A/B Positive Control reacts specifically with the corresponding test strip and after the end of the reaction yields the specifically coloured test band described in the test kit instructions of the respective rapid assay.

Art. No. NP0804
Test format 1,8 ml Control reagent

Dear customers,

we have started to provide the documents for our products in an electronic format. These are the Instructions for Use (IFU), the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and the Certificate of Analysis (CoA). For batches placed on the market after 01 January 2023, you can find our documents on the eIFU portal

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Z1000_RIDA-Anreicherungsbouillonpositive control