UltraPlex Alliance™
The UltraPlex Alliance™ brings together the automation capabilities of the MT-Prep™ XL system for sample purification and the UltraPlex 3 for MT-PCR to enable end-to-end high-throughput diagnostics.

Features & Benefits
- Based on well-established platforms
- High sample throughput (up to 96 Samples)
- Sample to first result in only 4 h 45 min
- Flexible workflow options: combination of multiple MT-PCR instruments and integration of existing extractors into workflow possible
- Separate sample purification and MT-PCR allows parallel batching for optimal productivity
- Automatic barcode scanning for reduced hands-on time
- Easy setup takes just a few minutes
- Sample and reagent traceability
MT-Prep™ XL
Fully automated sample purification for up to 96 samples in 1 hr 45 mins
MT-Prep™ XL is the synergy between innovative Hamilton robotics with custom-designed Kingfisher Presto technology. This platform enables fully automated high-throughput sample purification.
- High-purity and high-yield nucleic acid extraction
- Sample purification based on magnetic bead technology
- User-friendly interface
- Software guided, intuitive setup with minimal hands-on time (10 min)
- For use with Puryx® Comprehensive RNA/DNA Extraction Kits
- Extraction kits can be stored at room temperature
- Maximum convenience through ready-to-use reagents (prefilled bottles)
- Universal protocol for RNA/DNA purification from a huge range of matrices
- Minimum maintenance requirements
- 8-channel pipetting for efficient processing
- Automatic barcode scanning for end-to-end traceability
- Footprint (W x D x H: 135.9 x 79 x 88.9 cm)
- Export of data via .csv-files

UltraPlex 3
High-throughput MT-PCR processing for highly reliable diagnostic results
Smart automation solution to detect up to 30 gene targets via MT-PCR in only 3 h.
- Patented multiplex-tandem PCR technology
- High sensitivity and specificity even in high multiplex panels
- Simultaneous detection of viruses, bacteria, parasites possible
- Efficient syndromic testing without need of combining panels (no loss in throughput)
- No competition between targets (each target is analyzed independently in separate wells)
- Deselection of non-required targets possible
- For use with TandemPlex® MT-PCR panels
- Extensive control system for complete process monitoring
- Software guided, intuitive set-up with minimal hands-on time (10 min)
- User-friendly interface
- 8-channel pipetting for efficient processing
- High-precision liquid handling with liquid level detection
- Barcode scanner included (Hand-scanner)
- Automatic results calling – results automatically analysed and reported in 2-3 minutes
- LIMS compatibility: export of data via .csv-files
- Access to cycling curves and melt curves
- Remaining eluates can be retained for further analyses
- With 3x MT-Analysers
- Footprint (W x D x H: 132 x 79 x 112 cm)

UltraPlex Jump

High-throughput MT-PCR processing for highly reliable diagnostic results
Efficient diagnostics for gastrointestinal infections using extraction-free workflows.
- Patented multiplex-tandem PCR technology
- High sensitivity and specificity even in high multiplex panels
- Parallel detection of up to 30 targets
- Simultaneous detection of viruses, bacteria, parasites possible
- Efficient syndromic testing without need of combining panels (no loss in throughput)
- No competition between targets (each target is analyzed independently in separate wells)
- Deselection of non-required targets possible
- For use with TandemPlex® MT-PCR panels and Prepyx-Stool Extraction-Free Buffer
- Extensive control system for complete process monitoring
- Software guided, intuitive set-up with minimal hands-on time (10 min)
- User-friendly interface
- 8-channel pipetting for efficient processing
- High-precision liquid handling with liquid level detection
- Automatic barcode scanning for end-to-end traceability
- Full sample and reagent tracking
- Automatic results calling – results automatically analysed and reported in 2-3 minutes
- LIMS compatibility: export of data via .csv-files
- Access to cycling curves and melt curves
- With 4x MT-Analysers
- Footprint (W x D x H: 132 x 79 x 112 cm)